If you have a child who is not currently enrolled at Nazareth School and will be ready for school in the fall, please call Mrs. Nancy in the office so we can place him/her on the priority list.
Education is created through all aspects of student life: academics, athletics, and social activities as well as faith-building community services. Just look at the wonderful things our students are up to!
Any family that needs a tax receipt for extended care and/or preschool tuition for their 2024 income tax returns, please email Mrs. Horning or you may send a written request to the office.
Support 6th grade camp by purchasing frozen yogurt on Thursday, February 27 after school.
Food drive Friday is on February 7. Bring in non-perishable food items to your classroom.
On February 12, dress up as a career you would like to go into in your future.
On February 18, bring $10 to wear free dress. The proceeds will go to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles who will support parishes and schools.
Join us for our Golf Ball Drop and Scramble that will benefit Nazareth School.
Students in fourth through eighth grades: join us for the STEAM Team program in February and March.
Students, join us for the seventh and eighth grade Valentine’s Day dance on Friday, February 14 from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m.